Dr. Piotr Putek
Raum Ex 136
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-7076
Fax: +49 (0) 381 498-7081
E-Mail: piotr.putek(at)uni-rostock.de

Research Interests
- Reliability analysis and robust approach for design assessment
- Shape and topology optimization of electro-mechanical structures w.r.t. manufacturing tolerances & under probabilistic constraints
- Uncertainty quantification algorithms for coupled field/circuit & MOR/circuit in co-simulation and monolithic frameworks
- Robust inverse methodology for crack identification / calibration of semiconductor devices based on measurement data
- Programming & algorithm development in Python/C/C++/ MATLAB/COMSOL /ANSYS Maxwell/MAGWEL
Research Projects Description
Current Projects
- SINCERE – Strahl-Impedanzberechnungen für das HiLumi-Upgrade des LHC-Injektores SPS und zukünftige CERN-Großgeräte und Entwurf eines Quadrupolresonators zur genauen Messung von HF-Eigenschaften metallischer Probe
- ECMI SIG on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering (MSOEE)
Archived Projects
- NanoCOPS (FP7-ICT-2013-11) Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions: http://fp7-nanocops.eu/
- SIMUROM (BMBF 05M2013) : Simulation und robuste Optimierung von elektromechanischen Energiewandlern unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten http://www.simurom.de/.
- IAP (P6/21) VI (2007-2011) “Inverse problems and optimization in low frequency optimization”
- Use of hybrid excited synchronous machines in construction of highly efficient car drives, 2015/17/B/ST8/03251, N510 508040
- Sensitivity analysis for defect’ reconstruction in frequency domain ( no of awarded grant 3 T10A 045 28)