Honorable Mention Award for Conference Contribution

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Our contribution, entitled “Towards a Self-Adaptive Frequency Normalization Scheme for the Low-Frequency Stabilized Magnetic Field Integral Equation” and authored by  Bernd Hofmann, Thomas F. Eibert, Francesco P. Andriulli, and Simon B. Adrian,  for the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting was selected as honorable mention.

This year we had 221 papers submitted to the competition. Three independent, blind reviewers from around the world were assigned to each paper and the total scores were then used to rank the papers. The reviews, the recording of the scores, and the selection of the finalists and honorable mentions were organized and monitored by the Student Paper Competition Committee as charged by the AP-S Society Education Committee.
