Electromagnetic fields in accelerator physics

Particle accelerators find widespread use these days. For example, they are applied in the semiconductor industry to produce integrated circuits or photovoltaic systems or in medicine for radiation therapy. Another area of application for particle accelerators is basic research, which has significantly driven the development of these facilities. Experiments with accelerators for basic research allow, for example, the investigation of the inner structure of matter.

One focus of the group "Electromagnetic Fields in Accelerator Physics", at the chair of Prof. van Rienen, is high-frequency assemblies of particle accelerators. These include, for example, superconducting cavity resonators used to accelerate charged particles to high energies. Typically, our team characterises existing resonator designs, or we design and optimise structures for accelerator facilities in the planning stage. Here, quantities derived from a field problem, such as scattering parameters, impedance parameters, external quality factors, and resonant modes, are of interest.

The working group uses commercial software packages and in-house developments for its studies. The research projects involve close collaboration with the HZB, the HZDR, the DESY and the CERN within the framework of BMBF and DFG projects.

Event on 17.09.2024

Taster morning and public evening lecture on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

To the program (in German)

Former members

EU funding

Currents projects

MuCol - A Design Study for a Muon Collider complex at 10 TeV center of mass: Task 6.1 Baseline concept of the RF system for acceleration to the High Energy Complex

Completed research projects

Enhanced European Coordination for Accelerator Research and Development (EuCard)

Prof. van Rienen's research group was part of work package 12.4 of the research project EuCard2 (Enhanced European Coordination for Accelerator Research and Development), alongside project partners from the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY), the University of Manchester (UMAN) and the Cockcroft Institute.

BMBF funding

Current projects

BMBF-Projekt 05K22HR1: „Cooperative project 05K2022 - WAKE: Wakefield and Beam Impedance Studies for Undulator Structures at BESSY II and the EuXFEL“

BMBF-Projekt 05H21HRRB1: "Cooperative project 05H2021 - R&D Accelerators (TOSCA-ATTAVANTI): Advanced theoretical models and advanced simulation models for high-gradient superconducting future accelerators"

Completed research projects

Strahl-Impedanzberechnungen für das HiLumi-Upgrade des LHC-Injektores SPS und zukünftige CERN-Großgeräte und Entwurf eines Quadrupolresonators zur genauen Messung von HF-Eigenschaften metallischer Proben - SINCERE


Berechnung von Raumladungseffekten und Strahldynamik (STRAND)

"Entwicklung einer Multipacting-freien Kathodeneinheit für supraleitende Hochfrequenz-Photoinjektoren (SRF-Guns)“ (SINEMP) im Verbundprojekt „Hochbrillante photoinduzierte Hochfrequenz-Elektronenquellen“ (HOPE) sowie

"Entwicklung von Wakefield-basierten Apparaturen zur Kompression der longitudinalen Phasenraumverteilung an ELBE“ (WAKOMP) im BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt „Freie-Elektronen-Laser: Untersuchung von Materie mit ultrakurzen, extrem intensiven Röntgenpulsen"; "Gemeinsam viel heller. Im Verbund das Potenzial der hellsten Lichtquellen der Welt ausschöpfen." (FEL FSP-302)

"Entwicklung von Kavitäten und modenbasierten Diagnose-Verfahren für BESSY VSR unter Beachtung stochastischer Unsicherheiten“ (KADISO) im Verbundprojekt „Schlüsselmethoden und -komponenten für die Anwendung supraleitender CW-Multizell-Resonatoren in Strahlungsquellen“

"Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Milderung von Ioneneffekten in Hochstrom-Beschleunigern“ (MILOS) im gleichnamigen Verbundprojekt

Further public research funding

Current projects

Development of the accelerating cavity and HOM coupler designs for the

Cooperation agreement with CERN: 16.12.2020 - 15.12.2023


Completed research projects

Entwicklung von Prototypen zur transversalen Strahlenablenkung eines 100mV Elektronenstrahls MHz Pulswiederholrate einschließlich der dafür notwendigen hochfrequenztechnischen und strahldynamischen Simulationsrechnungen (TRAnsversal Cavity for ELBE - TRACE)
Cooperation partner: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR): 01.09.2016 - 28.02.2022


Cavity Design and Layout for the FCC-ee and FCC-hh RF systems
Cooperation agreement with CERN: 01.09.2015 - 01.09.2018


Concatenation Studies for bERLinPro
Cooperation partner: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB): 01.10.2016-31.01.2017

Concatenation Studies for bERLINPro
Cooperation agreement with Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB): 15.09.2015 - 15.01.2016

Linear Collider Studies
Cooperation agreement with DESY: 01.03.1998 - 31.12.2008