M.Sc. Hendrikje Raben

Raum Ex 137

Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-7075
Fax: +49 (0) 381 498-7081

E-Mail: hendrikje.raben(at)uni-rostock.de

Research Interests
  • Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields in biomedical applications

  • Numerical modelling of electrical stimulation of bone

  • Design and optimisation of electrostimulative bone implants

  • Quantify uncertainties in the context of electrical stimulation of bone

Research Projects Description

SFB 1270 ELAINE: Electrically Active Implants
Project A02 (Work Package A02-1.1): Refined concepts for electro-stimulative osteosynthesis systems in the animal model and representative human models

At present, there are various electrostimulative applications that aim for enhanced bone regeneration in the case of fractures or other bone defects. The goal of this project is to develop innovative electrostimulative endoprotheses for the lower jaw (mandible) in the case of major defects e.g. due to tumour resection. The problem will be modelled applying a finite element approach to solve for the electric potential distribution of various possible electrode designs and locations. In extensive numerical studies, the optimal electrode configuration in terms of number, layout and arrangement of the stimulation electrodes shall be carried out, aiming at most advantageous stimulation of the defective bone.

Prof. Dr. Ursula van Rienen
PD Dr. Peer Wolfgang Kämmerer

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