Computational Electromagnetics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Adrian
Language of Instruction
Goals and Objectives
Students will acquire the basic understanding of finite-difference, finite-difference time-domain, finite element, and integral equation methods used to solve Laplace’s equation, Helmholtz equation, and Maxwell’s equations. They will learn how to implement these methods in 1D, 2D, and 3D.
Topical Outline
- Physical basics: Maxwell‘s equations, boundary conditions, energy relations, time revolution, dispersion relation and wave velocities, low-frequency approximation, scattering and radiation problems, eigenvalue problems
- Numerical solvers: Finite difference method, finite-difference time-domain method, finite element method, integral equation method.
- Numerical analysis: Higher-order methods, adaptive methods, numerical integration, convergence, stability analysis, numerical dispersion, absorbing boundary conditions, variational methods
- Programming: Introduction to the programming language Julia, discussion of practical implementation of EM solvers
Grading Policy
The final grade is determined by
- Pass/not passed: homework assignments
- 50 %: oral examination (several exam dates during the winter break will be offered)
- 50 %: programming projects
Information concerning the projects will follow in the next weeks.
T. Rylander, P. Ingelström, A. Bondeson: Computational Electromagnetics, Springer, 2. Edition, 2012