Computational Modeling of Physiological Systems
Language of Instruction
Goals and Objectives
- Technical competence: Understanding the physics of the functioning of human tissue in the perspective of different disciplines, mathematical modelling
- Methodological competence: Implementation of Maxwell’s equations in understanding the underlying phenomena of tissue functioning, implementation of numerical methods to solve the problems
- Social and self competencies: cooperative learning, independence and personal responsibility
- General learning and working techniques, self-organisation
No prerequisites
Course Content
- Introduction to Maxwell's equations and human anatomy
- Modelling of conduction in cardiac and neural tissues
- Modelling of force developments in myocytes
- Mechanical modelling of tissue
- Electrical modelling of tissue
- Introduction to Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods
- Introduction to Multiphysics Modelling
- Modelling of electrical, mechanical and transport processes using case studies
Grading Policy
Written exam
Rideout, Vincent C. Mathematical and computer modeling of physiological systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall, 1991